Knitting pattern “Happycoeursweater” ENGLISH


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DIGITAL PRODUCT – DOWNLOAD – Knitting pattern in English for our fluffy mohair sweater #happycoeursweater with its block stripes (PDF-Download)

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Our fluffy mohair sweater #happycoeursweater with its block stripes is a must-have for any fall/winter wardrobe! :) The instructions and the pattern are simple but require some experience with fluffy wool :)
The sweater is worked from the top down. The back piece is knitted first, then the two front pieces and the sleeves are knitted on directly.

// Language: ENGLISH

// Degree of difficulty: Level 3/5
Medium :)

// Oversize Sizes: XS/S, (M/L)

// Material:
350 g (450 g) mohair Moda by Lana Grossa (50 g = 140 m), 2 threads
(Here: 200 g white & 150 g blue / 200 g pink & 150 g green = this means you need 1 ball more of the color you want your collar and cuffs to be).
OR: 350g (400g) Drops Melody (50g = 140m), 2 threads

// Needles:
9 mm / 100 cm, 80 cm and 40 cm
7 mm / 100 cm and 40 cm

// Mesh sample:
9 sts x 12 rows = 10 x 10 cm
If necessary, select a different needle size to adjust the stitch samples.

// Techniques used:
– right and left stitches
– Pick up stitches
– Increases
– Acceptances
– Unlinking
– Dealing with fuzzy wool

*These instructions are for private use only. It may not be copied or resold. The parts knitted according to these instructions may not be sold.*.



1/5 Beginners

You should be familiar with the following techniques: Cast on stitches, knit and purl stitches, knitting in rounds/rows, casting off stitches, decreases.


2/5 Self-confident beginners

You are a beginner, have already knitted smaller projects and are already a little more familiar with knitting.

Or you are a beginner and are prepared to google on your own and use tutorials if you are unsure.

New techniques: Pick up stitches on the cast-on edge, cast on new stitches with the loop cast-on


3/5 Medium

You know the basic techniques of knitting and have already completed a few projects. You know the structure and typical abbreviations of knitting instructions and can follow them well.

New techniques: Increases, elastic binding off


4/5 Advanced

You have a routine in knitting and know your way around instructions.

New techniques: Shortened rows


5/5 pros

You have no problems following difficult instructions. You are familiar with complex techniques.


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